HomeoFamily Kit 1 kit


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32 Multi Dose Tubes (80 pellets per tube)

HomeoFamily for everyday needs and HomeoTravel for trouble-free trips are two convenient kits from Boiron, world leader in homeopathy.

The Boiron HomeoKits provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about the most recommended single medicines. For trouble-free trips with the HomeoTravel, and for daily life with the HomeoFamily, Boiron has created a suitable and handy selection of homeopathic medicines for the most acute health conditions, such as allergies, coughs, colds, flu, stress, arthritis pain, muscle pain, teething, etc.Aconitum napellus 6C
Apis mellifica 30C
Argentum nitricum 30C
Arnica montana 30C
Arsenicum album 30C
Belladonna 6C
Bryonia 6C
Cantharis 6C
Cinchona officinalis 30C
Cocculus indicus 30C
Coffea cruda 30C
Cuprum metallicum 6C
Drosera 30C
Euphrasia officinalis 6C
Ferrum phosphoricum 6C
Gelsemium sempervirens 30C
Glonoium 6C
Histaminum hydrochloricum 30C
Ignatia amara 30C
Ipecacuanha 6C
Kali bichromicum 6C
Kali phosphoricum 30C
Ledum palustre 6C
Magnesia phosphorica
Nux vomica 30C
Podophyllum peltatum 30C
Rhus tox 6C
Ruta graveolens 6C
Urtica urens 6C
Oscillococcinum (12 doses)

How to dispense the pellets

1) Pull tab first. Turn the tube upside down and twist pellet dispenser.
2) Continue to twist until 5 pellets have fallen into the cap. Carefully remove the cap.
3) Use the cap to pour the pellets into your mouth and allow them to dissolve. Repeat 3 times a day until relieved or as directed by your physician